Friday, October 20, 2017

Now, Be Honest With Me, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would A Black And White Soda Kill Me?????????????????

                             A Black and White soda.  Or milkshake.  I haven't had either in years.

                            Not that I expect either to look like Lana Turner, here.  Can you believe she was only fifteen when this shot was taken?  Did any of us look that good, at fifteen??????????  I sure as hell didn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             The story is, I have cravings.  I also have Type 2 Diabetes.  I take my meds, and while my A1C has gone down some, both the doctor and I would like it more.  I am not a sugar junkie; I don't pour it onto cereal, or shovel it into my coffee.  I have been drinking coffee black for more than twenty years.

                              So, would ONE Black and White soda kill me?  Of course, I will ask my endocrinologist when I see him in December, but the taste and texture I crave so much!

                              Of course, if the answer is yes, I won't do it.  But would one, really hurt?

                               And, yes, I could stop at one.  Too much goo eventually nauseates me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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