Friday, October 27, 2017

This Book Was Blue, When I Owned It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     You know, my last post reminded me that, sometime, I have to tell you more about the Kramers.  They were quite a story, and so were their daughters, Judy and Joy.  I wonder where they are, today?  I have no idea.  Dotty and Don, sadly, are gone.

                                       This book my mother actually brought me, though I recall my cover being blue.  I had all sorts of these books, plus Scrabble, and Scribbage, lying around the house, so I was a "wordy" child.  Reading was second nature to me.  And, I swear, some of it was by osmosis, because, in lots of cases, especially when younger, I would use these books as coloring books, as well.  I would color in the pictures, while unconsciously absorbing what was being taught.

                                        How I ended up in the public system is something I had nothing to do with.

                                        By first grade, I realized--man, these cats are just too dumb for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I love those cloth-covered vintage schoolbooks!!


  2. I do, too. I wish
    I had hung on to them,
    or could find some of them
    When in antique stores or
    used books shops, I do look.

  3. eBay! They're not even that expensive!!


  4. Thanks, Victoria!
    I will start searching!
