Tuesday, October 31, 2017

This Is Just So John Carpenter, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Happy Halloween, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Today is the day many have been awaiting.  I almost went for charm, but, when this pumpkin face appeared, I knew it would be perfect for this blog.

                                   Which brings me to my Halloween story, for today.  Or "Halloween."  John Carpenter's classic, which introduced us to Jamie Lee Curtis, came out in 1978, and I just happened to see it on this day, 39 years ago.

                                     I was 23, still a suburban kid, and driving the family car.  "Halloween" was playing at one of the theaters at what was the Middlesex Mall, on Stelton Road, off of Route 27. I had been driven to there my whole life, as friends of ours were on that route, so it was familiar to me.

                                      When I parked, it was still daylight.  I walked in, saw the film--my first viewing--and haven't bee the same, since.  Has anyone, after seeing this film?

                                         I loved it, but I walked out into an empty parking lot, in darkness.  I looked every which way, till I got to the car, unlocked it, and got in, fearing a killer would get me.

                                         This is my fevered memory, but the way I remember it is I locked myself in, started the ignition, and then gunned the petal all the way home.  I cannot recall a single traffic light en route, or if I went through some.  In any case, I wasn't stopped.

                                           The climax was I drove up our driveway--it was on a hill-- so fast I sailed into our yard, and through the adjoining neighbors' bushes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             I got out of the car, freaked.  My parents came running out, in hysterics. Somehow the car was put in its right place, thanks to my father.  I don't recall the neighbors saying a thing.  I guess by now they knew I was off the grid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Now, I am back on it.  Halloween is, for me, now, a day of listening to ghost stories, reading them, or watching choice horror movies at home.

                                               As for a song/video, what else would do for today, but....the "Monster Mash!"

                                               Have a great Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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