Thursday, October 19, 2017

This Movie Did Not Take Much To Process!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    The day I went to see "Happy Death Day," at my neighborhood theater, because I would never troop into Manhattan for such trash; especially at those prices, I was given a free poster of the film.  Everyone was.  This turned out to be a bonus, because the poster is actually better than the movie itself.

                                     It features, of course, young actors who are on a fast track to Nowhere, career wise.  The best advice I can give for young actors is don't allow yourselves to be cast in such a movie , if you care about your career.  Not everything turns out like "Friday The 13th," or "The Blair Witch Project."

                                   This film takes the plots of both "Groundhog Day," and "Gaslight," mashing them both together, implausibly.  I admit I was stumped on the killer's identity, but when revealed, I found it such a cop out, and unoriginal.  If you want to know who the killer is, without seeing the movie--and I don't blame you--recall the 'SVU' episode "Theater Tricks," or read the post I wrote on it, and it is there.  The motive of jealousy is almost the same.

                                   The actress playing the killer, Ruby Modine, actually delivers the film's best performance.  There is only one problem of credibility.  What is a basically Plain Jane type doing in an Alpha Bitch sorority?  How did she ever get in?  Unless her family is incredibly wealthy, and donates.

                                      Of course, this issue is never explored.  Nor is anything else.  Including the pivotal question of how the heroine comes to be cursed with having to relive the day of her murder, until the killer is caught.

                                        Stick with "Cold Case," girls.  It explores more insightful issues and Lily Rush's hair is superior to anyone's here.

                                         It's worth it, to grab the poster, though!


  1. Ruby is Matthew Modine's daughter


  2. I did not connect with the name, when I saw
    the movie. Now, picturing her, I can see the
    resemblance. She may be the one from this
    movie who goes somewhere!
