Monday, October 30, 2017

Was Bette Davis The Model For Madonna's Slut Image??????????????????

                                 One of the most famous sluts in literature is Mildred Rogers, the venal waitress in W. Somerset Maugham's "Of Human Bondage."  Mildred was no heart of gold-er, like Fantine, nor did she generate much sympathy.  She was an out and out slut who took on the world, and made no bones about it.  She did not generate pity, nor did she ask for it.

                                   Which is pretty much how Bette played it in the brilliant 1935 film.  It has been said that her Oscar that year for "Dangerous" was actually for "Of Human Bondage."  Having seen the film, I agree.  Davis literally tears the screen to pieces, with her portrayal. I think both the role, and what Mildred was, became a matter of controversy for the Academy.

                                       Now, take a close look at this picture.  Doesn't it suggest Madonna??????  I am telling you, Madonna modeled herself after Bette here.  She was a pretty smart cookie; she knew damn well what she was doing!  She never had the talent of Davis, but it cannot be denied her career has been meteoric.

                                         As Davis' did become, as a result of this role.  This was seven years before she frumped herself up as a repressed spinster in "Now, Voyager."

                                         Mildred, in true fashion, dies a true prostitute's death, from either consumption or syphilis.  Probably both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          You have to hear her Cockney accent, and see the scene where she tears apart Leslie Howard's medical books.

                                            Brilliance and Camp at their best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. You could always tell she was trying a little too hard to be Old Hollywood Glamour.


  2. Try is the key word.
    Yes, she had a meteoric
    career, but I never thought
    of her as glamorous.
