Thursday, October 19, 2017

What Is It With This Business's Advertisers?????????????????

                             Darlings, I have no idea where the hell Bloomingburg, New York is, and I don't even care.  According to my husband, David, it is way past our friends Eddie and Brian in the Catskills, and those two fun loving lesbians, Bonnie and Linda!  I just LOVE Bonnie and Linda!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              A diner is a diner is a diner.  When I was growing up, in Highland Park, NJ, the big deal on Friday nights was to go to the Edison Diner, on Route One.  One time, with my parents, we ran into my high school librarian, math teacher and Vice Principal there.  Go figure.  Distinctly middle class.

                            But, at this time of my life, I had little to say about anything, and had to take fun where it was.  The Edison Diner was; it had those mini table juke boxes, where, each week, I would have the fight with my mother over playing "In The Bush," as loud as it could go, while cruising truckers driving by.  We always sat by the window.  I insisted.

                             The food was adequate.  I recall their Fried Chicken In The Basket being good, and while I am still not sure where their steak came from (or from whom) it had flavor.  I just blocked out the truth.  But I used to go crazy on the nights when they had Lobster Newburg on the menu.

                              I have never heard, before or since, of this dish being featured in a diner.  I am not sure it is featured anywhere; I think it is one of those dishes having gone out of style.  Ever since finding that copy of Frances Parkinson Keyes' "Dinner At Antoine's," on the living room bookshelf, it was my dream to go there for haute cuisine.  I did get there, eventually--twice, in fact--but at the time of my life I am presently writing about, "Lobster Newburg En Casserole," as it was billed, was the closest I could come.  And it was good!  I would eat every bite.

                              Of course, now I realize it was probably some glop from a can mixed with cut up scallops, or something, but even I, darlings, had a period of life where I was unsophisticated!  Or, at least, not as sophisticated, as I eventually turned out to be, and, presently, am.

                               Which brings me back to the Quickway Diner.  Why is this business, so far away from us, advertising so that the ads reach Brooklyn, and, presumably, Manhattan??????????
Best Coffee?  Best Breakfast?  Best Soup?  By whom?  The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences?  And who in their right mind is going to travel God knows where, just to go a diner?????????  A diner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I know real estate closer to New York is expensive, but do Tee and Veek, the owners, really think they can draw Metropolitanites to this rural greasy spoon?  Unless Lana Turner, in her role as Cora, in "The Postman Always Rings Twice," works there, not a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Besides, I'd rather go to "Mildred's!"  Mildred Pierce, that is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Neat memories!
    Mine is the 202 Diner in Pennsylvania.
    I remember the beanbag ashtrays. And playing with the cigarette vending machine.
