Thursday, October 26, 2017

When It Comes To Housekeepers, This One Beats Peyton Flanders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Peyton, of course, was memorably played by Rebecca DeMornay twenty-five--can you believe it???????????--years ago, in "The Hand That Rocks The Cradle."  She actually was a nanny, but she seemed to do, before actually menacing the Bartels, anything Claire wished her to do.

                                 Yes, Peyton was a bitch.  But the first ten minutes of the film, which gives her back story, was enough to generate some sympathy toward her, from me.  I am not saying what she did to the Bartels was justified, but the woman, having been through too much over time, needed mental help, not a nanny job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  No such sympathy exists for 45-year-old Suzette Troutmann, who is this week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  Those living in the Metropolitan area, and even those who don't, for I believe this story has gone national, has heard about the tragic home invasion of this older couple, Waldiman Thompson, 91, and his wife, Ethlin, aged 100, at their home in their Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn home.
                                    The experience turned out to be so traumatic for the Thompsons, who were menaced, then tied up, that it led to Waldiman, dying of cardiac arrest, shortly after,  But Ethlin, at 100, is one tough cookie, honey, and she is all about moving on and forgiveness!  At 100!  Can you believe it!  Go, Ethlin!

                                     But that Suzette!  She is no crepe, let me tell you!  She is a creep!  Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     The robbery was done by four men, one of whom, Dwayne Blackwood, 27, has been arrested.  The others are being pursued.  The made off with fifty thousand dollars!!!!!!!!

                                      Suzette gets the award, because she masterminded the whole thing!  Bitch earns the couples' trust, then goes and steals from them!  Two defenseless oldsters.  Wait, I take that back.  I wouldn't call Ethlin defenseless.  She survived this, and it is a good thing she has a spiritual and forgiving nature, because otherwise she might have slapped Suzette to kingdom come!  

                                      It may happen yet, when Suzette gets to prison.  Harming a defenseless older couple is the other end of harming a child, and inmates do not like those who do that.

                                       Even some criminals draw the line, somewhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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