Friday, November 10, 2017

Another Potentially Exciting Episode Of 'SVU,' Shot To Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          I was wrong, and right, about one thing.  "Unintended Consequences," Wednesday's episode of "Law And Order, SVU," was not a reworking of Cold Case's "The Goodbye Room," as I was expecting.  But something was reworked, because the climactic scene of this episode, reminded me of an earlier one, and character.

                          Remember Noelle Beck, as Dr. Audrey Shelton, in the 2011 episode, "Bang?"  That is the one where John Stamos plays Ken Turner, who is spreading his semen all around--how much does he have??????-- so that women are producing his children, like a cottage industry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Noelle's Audrey, whom we just love; just as we love when she plays spoiled heiress Stephanie Mulroney, lures Ken to his place, where she is going to cut off his testicles.  But, according to her, something went wrong.  She took the wrong knife, and Ken is dead.  Right. When she calls Olivia, and they come and get her, Audrey is  as cool as cucumbers, with no regret.  She begs for a few more sips of wine, for, as she says, "They don't serve wine, where I am going."

                            What's sad is actors the caliber of Noelle no longer are on this show.  The above scene is reworked in the more recent episode, with Rosemary Taylor, the social worker with  soul at the corrupt Lux Residential Treatment Center.  When Rosemary, whose own daughter, Annie was destroyed by drug addiction, finally realizes what is going on, she takes matters into her own hands, and murders the Center's director, Dr. Dennis Barkley, played by Peter Scolari, by administering to him a fatal dose of Fentanyl.  Justice served, I say!!!!!!!!!  Rosemary is played by Annie Corley, whom I never heard of, but who looks so much like a younger version of Celia Weston, it is clear the producers really wanted Celia in the first place, but so much of this show is being done on the cheap, they cannot pay actors of her caliber,  Annie Corley did a good job; don't get me wrong, but I clearly saw this as a role Celia might have tackled.  And should have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             The momentum of the show was killed by the whole Olivia-Sheila thing.  I get such a kick out of Brooke Shields, who is playing Sheila Porter as a Millennial Mary Poppins.  I have a feeling, dolls, that that spoonful of sugar will dissolve, and Sheila will reveal her true colors, because the more she endears herself to Noah, the more she wants him, and the kid takes to her better than Olivia--who can blame him, the way Mariska plays Benson????--so it is just a matter of time before things go awry, and Miss Poppins unleashes her claws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Maybe she will have Noah become a child model, the way Brooke started out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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