Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Being GAY Is Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Believe me, I know all the negative stories; hell, I have even written about some of them too.  While the axiom, "There would not be any gay people, if it weren't for straight people" still applies in our lifetimes, believe me, that is going to change with evolution.  Too bad we won't be here to see it.

                                  No one said being gay is easy.  My adolescence speaks for that.  But I have discovered ways in which being gay can be fun, and would like to share them with you.

                                  1. One of the most important--being called on last in
                                       choosing teams is not worth a shit, because, if you
                                       are gay, you really don't give a shit about it, anyway.

                                  2.  You become such an arbiter of taste and fashion
                                        that girls who once scorned you, are now women
                                        coming to you for advice.

                                  3.   You can get through the bad times by finding
                                         unexpected sources of inspiration.  Mine were
                                         Vivien Leigh and Jennifer Jones.

                                   4.    You grow up feeling different from everyone
                                           around you, only to discover, as you grow older,
                                           that this difference is a kind of superiority--damn

                                    5.    Your important decisions--what clothes to buy,
                                            what amusements to ride, how to paint that room,
                                             are made solely on the basis of color. BRIGHT!

                                     6.     You discover the value of cologne before your
                                              straight male contemporaries do.  And gay
                                              fragrances smell better.

                                       7.     You will NEVER have to worry about
                                                impregnating anyone!

                                        8.     For a mantra, you replace the downer
                                                that is "The Well Of Loneliness" with the
                                                more empowering "Valley Of The Dolls!"

                                          9.   With that empowerment comes acceptance.
                                                 Like the right to have castration fantasies,
                                                 regarding the character of Jack on "Will And

                                         10.   Finally, maturity comes when you stop
                                                 wishing that James Brolin--who is much too
                                                  mature, nowadays--is your Primary Care

                             Being gay can be a blast!  So, think positively, darlings, go out, and do it!  Our time
may have come, but we have to keep on fighting!

                              Amen, to Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Thanks so much, Victoria.
    It is not easy, but it is possible
    to have a life, if one is gay!

  2. We have come a long way since "Boys Beware"
    But still, far too many people think gay men are all Mario Cantone. Or Jack.


  3. Unfortunately, you are right.
    Have you watched "Boys Beware"
    lately. It has gone from being
    relevant to being hilarious.
