Saturday, November 11, 2017

Can You Believe It??????????? A Cute Looking Selznick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           David O. Selznick may have made "Gone With The Wind," and was a big contributor to "The Song Of Bernadette," (his name is on that film's opening credits) but he was no looker.  Marlene Dietrich, during that heyday of Hollywood, was famous for saying David O. Selznick would be the LAST person she would sleep with.

                             Years ago, I did a post about Mary Jennifer Selznick, the daughter of David and Jennifer Jones.  Mary's life was sad, and ended tragically, by her own action, but the thing is, looking at the photo of her I posted, she was actually not a bad looking young woman.  True, she could not pass muster with her mother, and while she might  not have carved out a monumental film career for herself, she was pretty enough to find romance, or whatever she might have been searching for.  She was, in no way, ugly.

                             I always felt a connection to Mary.  Her decision to end her life saddens me still, and she and I are (or would be) close to the same age.

                             Now, lookee here.  This is Brian Selznick, who wrote the children's books that became the brilliant movies "Hugo"--my choice for the Best Picture Oscar that year--and now, "Wonderstruck," sure to score a slew of nominations.

                             You can see the Selznick clearly in him.  But something must have happened over generations in the gene pool, because Daniel is not only cute, he is gay!  How would David have dealt with that?  Vivien Leigh and Jennifer Jones would have loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Though we are twelve years apart, Brian grew up not very far from me--in East Brunswick, New Jersey.  Ironic, as I was nearby, in Highland Park, with a growing fascination for his family's film ventures, and, of course, his step-grandmother, Jennifer Jones.

                             The Selznick legacy still lives on, in Brian's artistry.  Girls, I am sorry to tell you he is taken, but he is a fine young man, nevertheless.

                              And understands the world of childhood as well as few writers I know.


  1. Major Cutie, reporting for duty lol


  2. Not only cute, but extremely talented.
    The last is expected from his heritage,
    but not the first.
