Sunday, November 5, 2017

Darlings, I Just LOVE Joan Holloway, From "MAD Men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   The secret of being a successful bitch, dolls, is to keep your cool.  If I had had Joan Holloway as a role model--because I never paid attention to "MAD Men," when it was actually on, as I never knew it was this good--before I retired, I might not have, because, as one who cannot keep their cool, I would have learned from Joan how to deal with the four idiots at work I was forced to deal with for the last several years.

                                   Oh, well.  As Dickens wrote, "These are but shadows of things having gone before us.  They do not concern us, now."

                                     Dickens' legacy leaves on.  However, he has left this world. I have not.  So, I can still write.  Heh!  Heh!  Heh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      You have to hand it to Joan, brilliantly played by Christina Hendricks.  She knows how to dress, keep her cool in any situation, and I hope there is an episode, where Betty Draper gets slapped by Joan across the face.  I am glad Sally is such a brat!  Takes after me, loves!

                                        Sally will probably grow up to be the Millennial Bitch of her generation.

                                        But nothing can surpass the 60's Joan!  Style and cool are the ways still to get ahead as a bitch, dolls!

                                          Just watch me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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