Friday, November 10, 2017

"Gone With The Winnnnnnnnnnnnn-ter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           That is right, girls.  Winter finally got hers, in Episode 10 of "AHS: Cult," entitled "(Charles) Manson In Charge," which finally gave Evan Peters the chance to play the sickest of cult leaders, and he did it brilliantly.  I am telling you, hand this man an Emmy.

                             I have to confess having mixed feelings about Winter's death.  Billie Lourd was so compelling and haunting, she added so much to the show this season.  And the way she manipulatively teetered on the fence of loyalty and not was brilliant--when I first found out Winter was a bitch, I hated her; later I came to feel sorry, for her.

                              Which is why I have mixed feelings about her death.  So, did Kai.  Because he kills his baby sister with a look of both ferocity and regret on his face.

                                But, then, this is "AHS," so is Winter really dead?  The question begs to be asked, because I understand there are some out there who do not believe Ivy is dead.  That bitch turned out to be worse than Winter.  And with Winter gone, who will watch over Oz?  So, who knows, Ivy and Winter may return for the finale!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The finale has a lot to live up to.  In addition to answering the questions posed above, I want to know how the Anderson parents ended up as bedroom corpses?  Am I the only one who cares about this?  Or think their children had something to do with it????????????

                                   From the abrupt ending of the show, with viewers and Ally knowing who the real informer is, (whom I always suspected) I can guarantee you that when Kai finds out the truth, that he did not have to kill Winter, he is going to lose it, and go bat shit off the wall.  So much so he will be unable to function as a leader!"

                                    What happens is anyone's guess.  I cannot wait to see, and share it with you all.

                                    Farewell(?), Winter!  You livened things up, and made one thing clear.

                                     Ryan Murphy had best make use of Billie Lourd, in future seasons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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