Thursday, November 16, 2017

Happy Birthday To A Legend Like No Other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Of course, I am talking about Donna McKechnie, whom I am so honored to share a birthday with--mine is the 18th--this week.  Donna is one subject I never tire of writing about.  And I have actually met her, and she is so gracious.  No wonder she made it.

                                        Donna is somewhere in her 70's--I mean, I am about to turn 63, so what does that tell you???--but I am sure she could step out and do Cassie tonight.  Me?  I could sing and act every line of the show. But I am still working on the opening "Step, kick, kick, kick, leap, touch!" thing, and I don't feel I have it quite right.

                                          In my lifetime I have never seen anyone who could dance like Donna.  Or sing.  Or project a warmth of personality on stage.  But the dancing was gorgeous.  None of us will ever dance as well as Donna, even though she made so many of us want to.

                                          Happy Birthday and Many More, Donna!  I hope I get to see you in performance, sometime soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We all need that chance, (to dance, or whatever) darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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