Thursday, November 16, 2017

Hey, Amy, Baby Gojira Still Wants To Be On Your Show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          As I said, in an earlier post, girls, the reason Amy Sedaris' Village Tour, circa 2004, is so fascinating is not just because of Amy, who never ages, like me, but because so much of what she shows us does not exist anymore.  I can say for a fact that The Hangar still does, and, while I have never gone in, I have often, over the years, waved to patrons who know me, sitting in the front window, as I walked down Christopher Street!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           The video ends with Amy sitting outside, at a table at a place I loved on Bleecker Street, called Manatu's.  Those of an earlier era, knew it as "Clyde's."

                            As I said in an earlier post, there used to be places where the lonely could go.  This was one of mine.  During the years I was active in Dignity, singing in their choir,--which I really miss doing, but the commute would kill me, now!!!!!!!!!!!--I would come to Manatu's and usually get a crock of their French onion soup, which was the best, and a tuna melt.  With a Diet Coke.

                            And then I would go to church and sing with the spirituality of Jennifer Jones in "The Song Of Bernadette."  At least, that is how I felt.

                             But this is about trying to get Baby Gojira on to Amy's show.

                              Both of us--Baby Gojira and myself--would love to meet Amy  in the Village somewhere, even at 4AM--in which case I will have to either wear a mask or crash Elizabeth Arden, so I can look my best at that time.  But where is there to go?  Can't sit outdoors at Manatu's, no Riviera Café, the pizza place on the corner of Hudson is gone!  Where is one to go?  All the way over to Jack's, on Waverly Place?  I know the Keenan-Bolgers are sometimes seen there, but it is really getting out of Amy's neighborhood, which is where we should meet so all of us, especially Baby Gojira, will feel comfortable.  And, Amy, wait till you see the Diana Von Furstenberg reticule bag he travels in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Really, the Village has gone down.  But Baby Gojira and I will meet Amy anywhere.

                              Even in front of the Waverly, where I will do my rendition of "Frank Mills!"

                               Come on, Amy; Baby Gojira is getting impatient!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. We don't want our two dollars back, just Him lol


  2. Right on, Victoria.
    That was always my favorite song
    from "HAIR" I am amazed I have
    not turned up on You Tube.
    Hope still springs eternal.
