Thursday, November 30, 2017

I Have To Talk About Matt, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Girls, take a good look at that face!  The smugness!  The arrogance!  He is not sorry for anything he did.  He only regrets being caught, and losing it all.

                                   Let me tell you.  Ever since he arrived at NBC, there was speculation about Matt Lauer.  Back in the day, I knew someone who actually worked at NBC,  and while the word on Katie Couric was that, while she was portrayed to the public as "America's sweetheart," to those having to work with her, she was "America's **nt!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   Matt was a different story.  Undeniably good looking, and thought by many to be "hot," he was the object of many gay men's fantasies, with hope and speculation on the possibility that Matt was gay.  Albeit a Great Big Closet Case.

                                    When he married Annette Roque, in 1998, I thought it a marriage of convenience, to please the higher ups at NBC.  And when the kids came, I thought it was the old turkey baster routine!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      So, when I learned, as we all did, yesterday, that Matt was fired for NBC, and why, the only thought that ran through my head was, "Well, now we know, for sure, that he is straight."  The behavior did not surprise me, because there was always something covert about Lauer's on air presence; acting as though he had something to hide, which was clearly visible on his face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       What a pig!  Exposing himself in his office?  If I had been one of those women, I would have taken a reticule scissors, snipped around his pubes, then--Oops!  Stab!  Stab!
Wipe up the blood!  Problem solved!

                                         I have no sympathy for Lauer.  I have sympathy for Annette and those kids!
Take them and run, hon!!!!!!!!!!!!  And take this shit to the cleaner's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Someone on "The View" said after his treatment of Ann Curry, back in 2012, she was done with Lauer!  Frankly, so was I!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            One last thing--and this is not about Matt, but Charlie Rose.  Several years ago--at least fifteen years-- he did a live interview, at the 92nd Street Y, with Blythe Danner.  Because I am such a fan of Blythe's I went.  I still recall being taken aback by Rose's introduction.  He first cited all of Danner's major accomplishments, her skill at interpreting certain playwrights, but then said that, and I am paraphrasing, she is someone a guy would love to bring home to his parents, but especially if they were not there.  The audience applauded at Blythe's entrance, and while she remained gracious--in true Blythe fashion--the instant she hit the stage, I could see she was flustered and embarrassed.

                                             So Charlie does not surprise me, either.

                                            My.  The NBC Peacock must be downcast, and the CBS eye must have conjunctivitis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I'm deeply sorry for the women, but turning cartwheels over Matt Lauer's instant immolation: it couldn't happen to a more deserving scumbag.

    Like many girls and gays, I tumbled for him from his first appearance on local NYC news. As you and others so aptly put it, he was the charmingly masculine hometown "hunk next door" with great hair. But things began to sour as soon as he was tapped for national broadcasts (in itself, very unexpected: I mean, he was adorable on "NBC Live At 5" with bottle-baby Sue Simmons, but no one remotely thought of him for larger fame). His on-air persona slowly, subtly, inexorably shifted from easy charm and affability to insufferable, obvious egotism with an overlay of faux charm. Curiously, the more grotesquely his ego inflated, and the more follically-challenged he became, the more meteoric his popularity with fat spinsters in the hinterlands.

    About ten years ago he began patronizing the retail establishment I toiled in. He was always accompanied by his wife and kids, all of whom I immediately recognized as victims of domestic abuse. His wife always looked like she hadn't slept in days, comparatively dressed shabbily, cowering behind him almost to the point of whimpering. If he turned around suddenly, she would literally jump out of her skin, rushing to flatten herself against the wall. I had never seen anything like this in my life in a "star" couple: all the employees were stunned but of course had to feign ignorance of the obvious. He himself was a nasty piece of work: arrogant to the nth degree, as belligerent to the staff as he was to his family. It was no surprise to learn his wife had attempted a divorce on grounds of cruelty, then coerced to withdraw the suit and "reconcile" with this beast (likely under immense pressure from NBC).

    No effing way the network was unaware of Lauer's personality or behavior until "just the other day". Anyone who ever met this jackhole and seen his mask slip could peg him immediately as a misogynistic creep. He will finally suffer dearly for his career as a prick: no man with his outsized ego can tolerate such a public annihilation. This is a man who thrives on mass adoration and fame: the quiet life of the ruined effigy will drive him utterly mad. Wife had better run with the kiddies immediately, and make her escape before Matt turns into David Koresh.


  2. What a story! You have got
    to write your memoirs!
