Friday, November 24, 2017

Let's Have A Book Coffee Klatch, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Settle back, dears, because this post is going to be a long one.  On November 22, "The New York Times" published its list of the "100 Most Notable Books Of 2017."  This is one of my favorite times of the year, because I know that soon the Ten Best will follow.  Also, with this list, I get to see how astute I have been all year, and what I still have to catch up on.

                                 If I had read every book on the Fiction list I should have, the total would be something like 25, instead of a mere 12.  So, I am practically halfway there.

                                 For those who may be new to this, the way this works is I first list the books I have read.  All of those have been reviewed already on this blog, when it first appeared, so I do not comment, unless I feel an extraordinarily good or bad reason for doing so.  And these are pithy and short.

                                  Next, I will list the books I need to read.  Same thing.

                                  From there, I will list what would be MY five Fiction selections for "The New York Times Ten Best Books Of 2017."  Then, I list what I think The Times will.

                                    Once the Ten Best list appears, I do another post, comparing mine and theirs, seeing how I did, and really commenting then.

                                      Ready?  Here we go!

                                      Fiction Read

                                      1. American War, by Omar El Akkad
                                      2. Anything Is Possible, by Elizabeth Strout
                                      3. The Essex Serpent, by Sarah Perry--Fun, but ultimately disappointing.
                                            Should not be on here.
                                      5. Exit West, by Moshin Hamid--Forgettable, but highly political so, of
                                             course The Times lists it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                      6.  Ill Will, by Dan Chaon--A thriller I cannot remember.  How the hell did
                                             this wind up, on here?
                                       7.  Less, by Andrew Sean Greer--Less, indeed!  Over hyped, the biggest
                                               disappointment of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                       8.  Lincoln In The Bardo, by George Saunders--A masterwork!  I knew it
                                               would be on this list, instantly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                       9.  Manhattan Beach, by Jennifer Saunders--Literary heaven!  What more
                                              can I say????????????
                                      10. A Separation, by Katie Kitamura--Absorbing while reading it,
                                                forgettable afterward.  Who is the author trying to be--Daphne
                                             Du Maurier, or Elena Ferrante?????????????
                                      11.  Sing, Unburied, Sing, by Jesmyn Ward--Need I say more?  A thrilling
                                                and surprisingly Gothic exploration of impoverished life, in rural
                                       12. White Tears, by Hari Kunzru--A fascinating exploration of the Blues
                                                 music scene, and a quest for the Holy Grail of the art.
                                       13. Home Fire, by Kamila Shansie--So recently read, I forget to list it. A
                                              political novel, deserving of its place on here.

                                        OK, that is what I have read.  Now, here are books I either cannot believe I missed, or that they landed on here, and that I have GOT to read.  Same format as above.

                                        Fiction I Have GOT To Read

                                        1. A Boy In Winter, by Rachel Seiffert
                                        2. The Dinner Party, And Other Stories, by Joshua Ferris--He is a favorite
                                              of mine; I should have trusted my instincts.  Now, I will read it.
                                        3. Forrest Dark, by Nicole Krauss--Hey, it's Nicole!  I have had it in my
                                               pile, for some time!  Now, I really have to get cracking!
                                        4.  4-3-2-1, by Paul Auster--This was recommended to me, throughout
                                                the year.  Its density made me hesitate.  I should have listened.
                                             Length has never stopped me before!
                                        5.  Fresh Complaint: Stories by Jeffrey Eugenides, by Jeffrey Eugenides--
                                                I thought his "The Marriage Plot" was the book of that year.  I
                                             always hesitate with short story collections, now I HAVE to read this.
                                        6. History Of Wolves, by Emily Fridlund--Another recommendation I did
                                               not listen to, but should have.  I must get right to it.
                                         7. Homesick For Another World, by Ottessa Moshfegh--I had my eye on
                                                this one all year.  Now I am obligated to read it.
                                          8. A Horse Walks Into A Bar, by David Grossman--How stupid I
                                                  sometimes can be?  Like 'Homesick,' I thought this was a short
                                              story collection, and hesitated.  Now, I am filled with regret.
                                          9. Mrs. Osmond, by John Banville--Wonderful writer, but a sequel to
                                                "The Portrait Of A Lady," by Henry James?  Give me a break, John,
                                               and get over yourself!  If this makes the Ten Best list, I am screwed!
                                        10.  My Absolute Darling, by Gabriel Tallent--Waiting to be read, even as
                                                 I speak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                         11. New People, by Danzy Senna--Have to get cracking on this one, which
                                                  I put off for much of the year.  And here I thought it was "Danny!"
                                         12. The Ninth Hour, by Alice McDermott--Hey, it's Alice! That's all there
                                                  is to it!

                                          Hmmmm....Had I forgotten to list "Home Fire," the lists would have come out even.  I am still pretty astute, darlings.   Now, without comment, come the lists of what I would select and then what I think The Times will choose.  This is the fun part, darlings, and then the comparisons a week or so later.

                                           What I Think The Times Should List

                                           1. Home Fire, by Kamila Shansie
                                           2. Lincoln In The Bardo, by George Saunders
                                           3. Manhattan Beach, by Jennifer Egan
                                           4. Sing, Unburied, Sing, by Jesmyn Ward
                                           5. White Tears, by Hari Kunzru

                                            What I Think The Times Will List
                                             1.  American War, by Omar El Akkad
                                             2.  Exit West, by Moshin Hamid
                                             3.  Fresh Complaint: Stories by Jeffrey Eugenides, by Jeffrey Eugenides
                                             4.  Lincoln In The Bardo, by George Saunders
                                             5.  New People, by Danzy Senna

                                            So, that is how thinks stand now.  How many on here have you read, or need to read?  Anything you wish The Times had included, but did not?

                                             See you for another round, kids, when the final list comes out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You will like some of the stories in The Dinner Party, I think.
    Not to be confused with The Dinner Party by Brenda Janowitz lol


  2. It is settled, then.
    That will be the next book I purchase.

  3. I love lists!!!
    Had to look up "Bardo" and "Bildungsroman"
    By "look up" I mean google; I'm far too lazy to get out an actual dictionary.

  4. Got through the first chapter of absolute darling.
    Not only do I wish I could Unread it, the word darling is ruined forever.
    I got the impression this guy Enjoyed writing about brutal, sadistic incest.


  5. Victoria,
    Thanks for the heads up! I just bought
    the book, and had no idea! I won't read
    it right away. Incest is so disturbing.
    Even the early section of "Lolita" creeped
    me out.
