Saturday, November 25, 2017

"My Pain! Bang! You're Dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             I just LOVE this ID commercial for "Married With Secrets," girls, because it is the fastest moving--and quickly remedied--narrative about adultery I have ever seen.

                              The actors are unknown, but nail their roles well.  The distraught wife, and the smug, arrogant husband.  Who do these guys think they are?  I would love to see the tramp he is two timing her with.

                               Well, she fixes him, but good!  As he says "Wait!," she pulls that trigger, and then he is gone!  Hope that insurance policy is in order. She deserves every bit of it.

                                 As Candace says, on "Deadly Women,"  "If a psychopath isn't menacing someone....they aren't having any fun!"  Well, what happens when the fun goes awry?

                                 Someone always loses!  Heh! Heh! Heh!

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