Thursday, November 30, 2017

Now, It Can Be Officially Said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Yes, girls, we have, all too quickly, it seems, come to that time of the year.

                               Only 25 days till Christmas.  The countdown begins.  And I have no idea
what I am getting anyone.

                                It's not like I have oodles of money, but I can get a few baubles.  I have tried to talk David into us making craft gifts, for everyone, inspired by Amy Sedaris, but David is not too keen on the notion--though Baby Gojira is--and my crafting ability amounts to the skill of folding a piece of construction paper evenly in half.

                                  So, that means some shopping will have to be done.  Which I hate.

                                   I guess it will be gift cards again.  What else can you get for folks that would seem to have everything.

                                    If this were the best of all possible worlds, I would like the gift of a week's stay at the Chateau Marmont, in LA, while I test for some roles, preferably on "American Horror Story." As well as explore the Cecil Hotel.

                                    I mean, I am not greedy.  Am I?????????????????

                                    Happy Holidays, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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