Saturday, November 18, 2017

"Oh, Donna! Oh, Donna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                              You all recall that Richie Valens classic, don't you, darlings?????????

                               Donna Tartt, what in the hell are you doing?

                               I have just learned, this week, that Brat Pack High Priestess Donna Tartt, has severed ties with her literary agent, the celebrated Amanda "Binky" Urban.

                                Sure, Amanda may be no Blythe Danner in the looks department, but, hey, Donna, how long are you going to carry on with that Goth Butch look?  Or is it Butch Goth?  I mean, it is getting to the point where, if you were a biopic, Chaz Bono could play you!

                                 Not only does it pain me to say all this about one of my favorite writers, it comes at a funny point in my life, when I am reaching the end of my Brat Pack project, and have only left to read Donna's two signature works, "The Secret History," and "The Goldfinch."  It isn't like I have never read either.  Her first work I have read three, maybe four, times, and it will be interesting to see if the discoveries I made during the first reading of "The Goldfinch" hold up, or if there are more.

                                   Personally, I think Donna is a fool!  Brilliant writer, but a fool!  Everyone out there, who fancies themselves as a writer, would just about kill--or close to it--to be represented by Amanda "Binky" Urban.  Including yours truly!!!!!!!!!!


                                     Donna, I will always be a loyal reader.

                                      But, Amanda, now that you have a spot open, how about looking over this blog?  So we can talk about a future project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Psalm 90:12
    Teach us to number our days, that we may gain hearts of wisdom...
    **!!!Happy Birthday!!!**


  2. Victoria--
    Thanks so much for
    the birthday wishes. I
    will record the day on here,
