Monday, November 6, 2017

Speaking Of Bullying, Darlings, How About This????????????????????

                             While the above photo may remind some of Greystone, or the place on "AHS:  Asylum," is actually Ridgewood High School, in that New Jersey town.  Hold that thought, as it will be important, later.

                               The date of the incident and names involved are not clear, but what is clear is that, sometime last week, a girl, having been bullied for awhile by classmates, with her name and picture being put on social media, was defended by a male student, outside the school, and mob mentality turned on this kid, beating him to the point where his skull is fractured, he is hospitalized, and now in a coma.  Those who did not participate took videos of the incident, which, as one girl, said, is "good for the cops to have to look at."  But it takes only one student to record a video, what were the others doing?  More to the point, why didn't some of them intervene, so the incident might have stopped, or not been as severe?????????????????

                                Clearly, community and cops have much to mull over.  As for that hospitalized boy, while I fervently hope for his recovery, if, God forbid, something happens, the students involved AND their parents should be charged.

                                  Now, pay attention.  Tragically ironic is the fact that this high school graduated a student who went on to put bullying on the map.  I am talking about Tyler Clementi.  Has anyone stopped to think about that?  How the Clementis must be upset over this incident!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I swear, it is like ever since Tyler's tragic death on September 22, 2010, any institution associated with him has gone down the tubes.  First Rutgers, having many incidents following Tyler, and now Ridgewood.  I am telling you, Tyler's spirit will not rest in peace,  until all this social harassment stops.

                                   No wonder I hated high school so much!  As time moves on, one would expect things to  improve, but they have not.

                                    Maybe it is time to institute another program of instruction during these years.  Clearly, the traditional notion of the American high school is not working out.

                                      And really has not been, for decades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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