Thursday, November 23, 2017

Sure To Be One Of The Favorite Bitches On Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Just because it is Thanksgiving does not mean there cannot be a Bitch Of The Week, and so here we are.  The winner of the award this week is Professor Amy Bishop, who is one piece of work.  If Rodgers And Hammerstein had written a song about her, it would have been "The Girl You Don't Say No To."

                                 Because, for all that Amy was brilliant, if not pretty, she was pretty much a psycho.  Her brother dared to disagree with her, at their home in Braintree, Massachusetts. She shot him right in the house!  In cold blood!  This was ruled an accident, but, sweeties, let me tell you, it was not, back in 1986.  But twenty-six years would have to pass, before it was realized how wrong this classification was.

                                  Amy was smart enough to get in and sail through Harvard, earning herself a Ph.D in Biology, or some aspect thereof.  She managed to land a professorship at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, but things did not go well there.

                                   You've all had, at one point, those annoying coworkers, who go around telling you, to make sure you know, but really reassuring themselves, that they are better than anyone else. Miss Amy was one of these, which did not pass muster with her students, who hated her, and for good reason.  And her superiors on the faculty took notice of this.

                                     You have got to see, on ID, the dramatization of the diner incident, which actually happened.  Amy was the mother of several children, and the youngest needed a baby seat.  When the waitress calmly explained all were being used, and there were no more, Amy flew into a rage at her, then she went to the nearest family possessing a seat, and proceeded to take it from them, out of the sense she was entitled.  "Don't you know who I am?," she screamed.  "I am Professor Amy Bishop!  I went to Harvard!"  I mean, this has GOT to be seen!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       But really, Amy, you bitch, who gives a fuck?  Your dumb cuckolded hubby  just sat there, afraid he would be abused. Besides, in 1993, he was questioned with Amy in an incident involving the making of a pipe bomb, aimed at her lab supervisor.  What a prize couple!!!!!!!
Talk about love being blind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        The only one who might get away with the diner incident is Miss Diana Ross.  Sure, she is a bitch, sure she killed Florence Ballard, but, at least she is SOMEONE!  Amy never accepted that, for all her brilliance, she was still a big nobody.

                                         Because of her brazen attitude, and poor teaching skills, Amy was denied tenure, and this, for her, was the last straw--because she knew she was smarter and better than all of them!  At least, that is what she kept telling everyone!

                                           The denial came through in March of 2009.  Her last semester would be Spring of 2010.   On February 12 of 2010, Amy attended a faculty meeting, which, as she was leaving in several months, she did not have to.  But no one thought there was anything wrong with this; after all, she was still on staff, and just trying to be professional.

                                             Amy sat quietly for about forty minutes.  Then, at 4PM, she pulled out a nine millimeter gun, and open fired at everyone in the room.  Six people were attacked; three died, but three survived.  I mean, we have encountered disgruntled staff at meetings.  But THIS?????????

                                            This bitch was too much, but her goose was finally cooked.  On September 24, 2012, she was sentenced to Life in prison, without parole. Which, I am convinced, served for the brother's death, too!!!!!!!  Let's see how good your Harvard credentials, are, Amy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Not only is she sick, but arrogant!  Entitlement in a greasy spoon diner, over a baby seat?  This woman has problems that cannot be fixed, so she is where she is.

                                               What department do you chair in prison, now, Amy??????????????


  1. I never thought of that. But
    once stated, I could see it instantly.
    They could be gender counterparts.
    Scary; especially those eyes.

    How did she get past any
    psych evals?
