Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Final November, 2017 Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 All months come to an end, darlings, even my birthday one, November, which is filled with the spirit of Musical Theater.  And, I dare say, establishes some kind of record, because this marks 80 plus posts for this month, and I am not sure, even with the past Decembers over the years, I have done that much.  I could be wrong.  All I DO remember is that one December 31--I cannot recall the year--in summarizing the events of that year, I set a record by writing 19 posts in one day!

                                Whether that will be seen again can only be hoped.  As for November, it was certainly exciting with a birthday celebrated, dinner at Harry Cipriani, books to read and keep reading, (The Times Ten Best Books Of 2017 List came out this morning, and don't get me STARTED; it will take days before I can actually process and write about it.)

                                 November was a nice month.  May December be even nicer.

                                 Because after that, begins a new chapter for us all!

                                 I have special plans on here, for December, which I will share with
you tomorrow!

                                  Till then, girls, it's been ducky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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