Monday, November 13, 2017

The Holidays Are Not The Only Thing Upon Us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    One might think, having recently read "Black Narcissus," which made me reach my goal of having read 100 books this year, that I would lean back, and be content.

                                      Darlings, are you kidding?

                                       If anything, the pressure is on me, more than ever.  I am coming down the home stretch on my Brat Pack project, having still to read Donna Tartt's two signature books.  Then I have to read and start my Dawn Powell collection, which I have been promising myself.  Not to mention the "Mr.Lemoncello Library" series I have just recently discovered.  As well as collecting as many Taylor Caldwell paperbacks, if I can, not to mention Frances Parkinson Keyes.  And let me tell you, Frances is tough to find.

                                       Then, before I know it, "The New York Times" will be publishing its list of "The 100 Most Notable Books Of 2017," followed soon after by "The Ten Best Books Of 2017."  If I have not read all five Fiction titles on that second list, my goose is cooked, and I will have to read my way through the year.  Two books I expect to see on there are "Lincoln In The Bardo," by George Saunders, and "Manhattan Beach," by Jennifer Egan.  If they do not turn up, well, I will be royally pissed.

                                         I also have to explore the works of David Sedaris and Augusten Burroughs.

                                          How can I keep up with all this?  And my hair, and make-up, too.

                                          I can't wait for those reading results, girls!  And I will be sure to tell you!

                                          Happy Reading, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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