Monday, November 13, 2017

The Social Scene In This Town Is About To Take A Plummeting Drop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Can you believe it, girls?  Can you, honestly, believe it?

                                   Graydon Carter, one of the acmes of society in this town, is actually stepping down as the editor of "Vanity Fair" Magazine.  He is to be succeeded by some classless bitch Radhika Jones.  Who the hell is she?  Some editor in the Books Department at The Times no one takes seriously, what with Dwight Garner and others.

                                    Next to this blog, VF was the best source of society, gossip, and fashion in this town.  Hey, Graydon, honey, I can't do it all.  I have a way with words, but not your Dickensian appearance.

                                     This would be akin to ANNA leaving "VOGUE."  Should that happen, this town is through.

                                     It is my fervent hope Graydon will continue to own the Waverly Diner, where there will be some beacon of his social tonality in Manhattan.

                                     So, things are going to heat up, on here, I can tell you!

                                     And Radhika, darling, before arriving at "Vanity Fair," get yourself a makeover, so you will look the part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Graydon (and the other top NYC editors) rushed for the exits to avoid getting ensnared in the final ugly collapse of the magazine industry. They have enough money to retire, and chose to do so in order to preserve their reputations and legacies. None wanted to be caught in the death throes of print and its inevitable failure to migrate webward.

    Word on the street says Graydon (and those who jumped before him) couldn't handle the crushing budget shrinkages and having to pander to idiots like the Kardashians over substantial authors and topics. With the fashion industry, book publishing, restaurants and theater in rapid decline, being an arbiter was no longer any fun (and if theres really nothing to be arbiter of, the position has no power or prestige to offer).

    Tina Brown's recent memoir reveals the beginning stages of this rot, but she didn't have to deal with nearly as much crap as Graydon Carter.


  2. Graydon's reason to retie sound
    a lot like mine. But I am still
    holding on here, and ANNA at
    "Vogue." If ANNA goes, the city
    is done as a cultural mecca.
    Will any be left????????????
