Monday, November 20, 2017

The Story Of Gerry Gheardi and George Lamphere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     This is an important lesson, as I have advised on here, to avoid Great Big Closet Cases, because they can be extremely dangerous, and, in the cases here, of Gerry Gheardi and George Lamphere, lethal.

                                       It was a rare Paula Zahn show, where even I stayed awake.  And after what looked like a belt of bullets worn around her waist.  Either someone on staff is playing a sick, homophobic joke, or, they need to hire gay designers to dress Paula.  The woman hasn't a clue!

                                       Maybe because the show dealt with covert homophobia, it gave me courage to stay awake.

                                        The first murder was Gheardi's.  As soon as I heard he was a church organist, and was found naked, alone, in his apartment, I knew this was some 'Goodbar' thing.

                                           This occurred on March 29, 1981.  It was not until George Lamphere,  another gay church organist, in South Bend, was murdered, in 1983, that police begin searching for a connection, since the victims did not know each other--Gheardi lived in Mishawaka--but the findings and circumstances were the same.

                                            Both had admitted someone they knew, or met, to their apartment, with tragic results.

                                             After tipsters, and DNA profiling, the culprit turned out to be someone who lived in the area, Daniel Seltzer.
                                Now, I want you to take a good look at this picture.  Even twenty years younger than here, Seltzer was ugly, and dangerous looking.  Those eyes tell it all.  His victims were 28, and 34, respectively, and I think this was part of the reason they were killed.

                                 Seltzer had a violent, Jekyll-and-Hyde personality, and he lived with this woman, Kathy, who eventually testified against him, because, even living with him, she was afraid of him. I bet she knew his secret.  I bet she was some kind of fag hag.

                                   I can tell you the kind of man Seltzer was.  He would peep through doors, at home, like Jennifer Jason Leigh spying on Bridget Fonda, in "Single White Female," because he wanted to observe Kathy putting on make-up, which he wanted to try, hoping to look pretty.  The fact that he knew it wouldn't enraged him.  So he went out, right to the bars, and picked up these gay men.  I am willing to bet the act of killing them gave him some sort of homosexual thrill, possibly to the point of ejaculation.  Then, guilt and self-hate set in, which is why there was a two year interval between killings.  Which tells me, had he not been apprehended, he would have gone on killing local gays.

                                    I have to feel sorry for both Gerry and George. Not only did they not deserve what they got, the fact that they went with this creep says how desperate it is to be gay in Indiana.  There are closet cases, in New York, who are outnumbered,  but, darlings, for those of you who are still oppressed out Midwest way, come East to here, or West, to San Francisco.  Otherwise you will psychologically self-destruct, or end up murdered, like Gerry and George.

                                      Again, there is nothing more dangerous than a Great Big Closet Case.  Daniel Seltzer would have better dancing in the mirror, in crotchless panties, like Doatsy Mae, in "The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas!"

                                      It would have been his only chance to try and look beautiful.  But I am sure lots of inmates are now forcing Daniel out of his closet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I say, "Go to it, boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. Extremely. When hatred simmers, it usually
    is unleashed at some point! The two G's
    did not deserve their fates.

  2. Daniel Seltzer died in prison in 2015.

    I am currently working on a book about these three men. I knew Gherardi personally, as he was my music teacher from Le Mans Academy, and we were all informed about his death in 1981.

    I am looking for people who personally knew any of these three men. I have already acquired court transcripts for the Seltzer trials from both 1984 and 2007.

    Please contact me: Louis Anthes, California State Bar No. 263059,

    1. I believe this guy also murdered my Father. Gretchen 317-361-9015


  3. Dear Louis Anthe,

    Thank you for your comments.
    But I do not know any of these three
    men. This was a post I wrote based
    on a program I saw about the case,
    aired on ID. And as a gay man myself,
    it interested me greatly.

    If you still need to speak with me,
    please let me know, but, honestly beyond
    here I am not sure I could be of any help.

    Thank you for writing in.

  4. Gretchen 317-361-9015
    Louis Anthes 562-363-5052

    Lets talk...


  5. Gretchen48,
    Interesting. How can you be so sure?
