Monday, November 27, 2017

With Manson Dead, Who Is The Sickest Person Now Living??????????????????

                                     My, it must seem like I am on quite a morbid tear this morning, darlings, but really, I'm not.  I knew that, after November 19, when Charles Manson finally died, I had to face the above question.  I was sure I had the answer dead to rights, for I was ready to post on here Ian Brady. For those who may not know, he and his acolyte, Myra Hindley (who died in 2002) committed a series of five murders on innocent children--the oldest being 17--between July 12, 1963, and October 6, 1965. They even pioneered snuff killing, because some of the murders were taped, so they could listen  to them.  Girls, if you have been on here long enough, you have seen that haunting picture of Myra, the dyed blonde glaring at the camera in absolute evil.  If you have not seen it on here, I am sure you are familiar with the image--even if you don't even know it.

                                    That Myra; I am telling you, if "A Christmas Carol" were updated today, the Scrooge figure (maybe Bernie Madoff) would be visited by the spirits of Serial Killers Past, Present, and Future.  As the scariest looking of the bunch, Myra would be perfect for the Ghost Of Christmas Yet To Come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      So, I was all set to name Ian Brady the sickest person now living.

                                      Except, in researching this post, I discovered he wasn't.  He died on May 15 of this year, in Ashworth Hospital, in the United Kingdom.  He was 79 years old.

                                       He outlived Myra by fifteen years.  I have to feel a bit sorry for Satan, now; he must be wringing his hands in exasperation. He has had Myra for the past 15 years, and now, in the span of six months, he gets Ian Brady and Charles Manson!  Even he doesn't want them!  What is a Prince Of Darkness supposed to do????????????????

                                       With Brady gone, I had to really give the matter some sort.  Not that there was a shortage of contenders.  There was Scott Peterson, Casey Anthony, Alice Crimmins, Jeffrey MacDonald, and James Robert Duke, of Green River, Wyoming, who pushed both his wife Liana, 22, and son Erik, 5, off a 200 foot cliff.  And I could go further.

                                          But, like something bobbing up from the water, one name kept popping into my mind--Susan Smith.

                                          Many of these others also murdered children.  Child killers are the worst.  But Susan, who drowned her infant sons, Michael, 3, and Alex, 14 months, gets the prize, because of all the additional circumstances surrounding the murder,

                                          It was mostly the crime that gets Susan this label, but also the web of deceit she wove around it--claiming she was high jacked by a Black man (the race card) denying she knew where the boys were, when, actually, she did, failing to see her then cute husband, David, as an option for custody, and, most of all, pinning her hopes that this would land her marriage to local businessman Tom Findlay, who was a pig himself.  Bluntly stating he did not want to raise Susan's children--because of the background they came from--he broke off the relationship, sending Susan into the tailspin, resulting in this wrong headed notion, and tragic outcome.

                                           But, to give Tom some cred, he did not tell, or intend, Susan to kill her own children, or saying that doing so would land him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          She cried neglect; she cried sexual abuse by her father.  Cry me a river, Susan!!!!!!!!!!  Even if it was true, it does not justify murdering two innocent boys. Nothing does.
And the way she did it.  Seeing their horrified faces as the lake engulfed them, and there stands Mommy, unwilling to help.

                                            There is nothing dumber than White Trash with ambition, especially when that ambition has no place to go.  Tonya Harding, thankfully had talent, and that talent enabled to get her somewhere, for a time.  Susan's ambition was all about HER--without a sure plan to pin things on.  How about education, Susan?  Or a better job??????? You Monster Medea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             John D. Long Lake was where the crime occurred.  It has since become a kind of shrine to remind us murderous pathology.

                                       Here it is!

                                       So, Susan Smith, until you die, you get my designation for the Sickest Person Still Living!  And you brought it on yourself!

                                       Hey, Sue, hon, give Satan a break. Stay up there, awhile.  Having just recently received Brady and Manson, he can't take much more excitement, for awhile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Mothers who kill their children.
    Diane Downs, Darlie Routier,

  2. Megan Huntsman, Michelle Kehoe, Shaquan Duley, Susan Eubanks, Frances Newton
    Mentally ill perhaps, but still capable of knowing right from wrong


  3. Victoria,

    Look at my August 29, 2013 post
    on Gemma Killeen. Another prime
    contender. When "Deadly
    Women" airs her story, I
    cannot bear to watch it.
