Monday, December 4, 2017

Believe It Or Not, I Actually Owned This!!!!!!!!!!!! Vintage Board Game #4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The "Rock'Em, Sock'Em Robots" was not really a board game, but more of an interactive one.  It was made by Marx, a lesser known company, who tended to specialize in interactive games, even though Ideal, Milton Bradley, and even Parker Bros. were beginning to follow suit.  But this was Marx's specialty.

                               I remember the ads for this, always featuring these very boyish boys getting all worked up over this.  I have to confess it did nothing for me, nor do I especially recall wanting it for Christmas.

                              However, the year it came out, sometime in the early to mid Sixties, when I was still in the single digits, I think, this was given to me as a Christmas gift.  Looking back now, I am convinced that my godfather, my Uncle Tom (may he Rest In Peace) already had something of my number, and was giving me this, to try and "butch me up!"

                              Well, darlings, you can see what wonders it worked!  Really, I would have been better off with "Mystery Date!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                I do recall playing with it.  But this was one of those games that could not be adapted to one person; there had to be two people to play.  I recall playing it with my childhood friends, and even though a lot of them already were butcher than  I, they did not show much interest in it, after the novelty wore off.

                                   Much has been made about the violence of games during this period.  When I was younger, I had this "Remco (that was the toy company) Rocket Set," which fired off sets of missiles.  I used to aim them at people, and try and hit them.  Heh! Heh!  Heh!  Did my parents regret giving me this!  Soon, it was consigned to the farthest corner of the basement, where all my used toys ended up.

                                  Now, I look back with regret, at the "Rock'Em, Sock'Em Robots."  When adolescence set in, and all its troubles, I should have remembered this game, brought it up to play with again, and bash it around, after a bad time in junior and senior high school.  Who knows, it might have changed everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   But, then, so would have "Mystery Date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. I remember playing a game called "Hands Down" with cousins
    They always got too wild and scared me lol

  2. Considering it was made of plastic, this was a remarkably durable toy: I didn't own it, but my friends used to pound on it like crazy and it never broke! Personally I thought it seemed much less fun than it appeared in the TV commercials.

    My favorite "toy" game was Mouse Trap (which I still have). Also still have the second-tier rivals to Monopoly: Easy Money and Billionaire (for someone who's always been completely incompetent handling his actual finances, I'm fantastic at playing the board games).

    Wish I still had the Headache game, which featured the "pop-o-matic" dice roller!


  3. Victoria,

    I did not have "Hands Down," but
    othes I knew did. One time we
    were playing, and one of the kids smashed
    the hand so hard, it broke the game!


  4. Darling,

    The novelty did wear off after a while.

    I too have Mouse Trap and Easy Money.

    They may be featured on here!
