Saturday, December 2, 2017

Finally--An Investigation Discovery Program Even I Did Not Want To Watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Like so many of you out there, I am, sure, going to the dentist is a dreaded experience.  First, there is the pain, then there is the bill.  And with me, because of cardiac issues,  I have to make sure, one hour before the appointment, that I am dosed with anti-biotics.

                                     And I have never, to this day, seen "Marathon Man."  So, when I heard ID was  going to come out with a program entitled "Deadly Dentists," I intended to avoid it, but then, curiosity set in.

                                      Last night's episode covered the case of psycho narcissist, Dr. Roman Rezanowicz, a Canadian dentist, who killed his wife, no longer a cash cow, because of the ruination of her father's business, which, in turn, was brought about by the good doctor's failed business ventures, and having to ask his father-in-law for money.  But, when Daddy Dearest says no, he takes out two insurance policies on his wife, Kelli.  Then, before you know it, she is dead.

                                       I knew it was staged by the ligature marks on her neck.  There were two, and one went in a different direction on her neck.  Indicating she was strangled first, then, hanged, once she was dead.

                                       None of this was overtly bothering.  Same old, same old.

                                       But a couple of scenes, showing the dentist's incompetency, made me squirm. In one, he is verbally abusing, practically screaming, at a patient.  In another, he is so insensitive to his patient's pain the poor man can be heard screaming in agony, and when the doctor is summoned by his supervisor, says only, "This is dentistry.  It is supposed to hurt."

                                        Oh, really?  This is when I decided to skip this show from now on, because I don't need to watch scenes like this, which only serve to activate my Dental Anxiety Disorder!

                                           And, girls, I am telling you, if you get one of these types, smack him across the face, jump out of the chair, walk out the door, and do not even bother to pay the goddamn bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              "Deadly Dentists," indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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