Tuesday, December 12, 2017

How Is It I Am Always In The City, When There Is A Terrorist Attack??????????????

                              What have I done to deserve this, darlings?  Forget Christmas is less than two weeks away, no decorations here, yet, and Baby Gojira is agitating for his Christmas outfit!

                                 Yesterday, I had to go the endocrinologist, at Mount Sinai--what a schlep!!!!!!!!--to see Dr. Smith.  The good news is he was pleased with my test results, and how I had been handling the diabetes.

                                   The bad news was my heart rate sped up.  Due, I feel, to hysteria, which I will tell you about.  But, by the time I was slammed onto a table, and given an EKG, things were back to normal.

                                     Here is what was going on.  The subway ride went well, considering. As soon as I emerge from the ground, at East 96th and Lexington, I hear there was some kind of bombing incident at Times Square.  Times Square!  Who doesn't walk there, at some point?

                                      I had to flashbacks to 9/11, when I was in the heart of the West Village, and witnessed the Twin Towers burning, and one of them falling, before my eyes, knowing hundreds of people were in there, and dying.

                                     Was this present incident true?  I found out it was from two receptionists, at the Information Desk.  I started thinking, in a panic.  What do I do?  What about the subways?  How the hell am I going to get home. to my beloved, David???????????

                                      At least I had a book.  Two, in fact.  I settled in, to read, and--this has never happened before--Dr. Smith took me immediately, and I was in and out on the street in just twenty minutes.

                                       The good news is I made it home, like it was nobody's business.  It was a miracle!

                                         But now I am supposed to go to the dermatologist tomorrow.  And I am
afraid to do it!  Plus, we leave NYC next Saturday, for my sister's, and we have lots going this weekend?????

                                          It is getting so I don't want to go into Manhattan, anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          And, to think, I used to be a bookstore hopper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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