Thursday, December 7, 2017

I Knew This Was Going To Happen! I Knew It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Last night's episode of 'SVU,' entitled "Intent," had the best closing sequence ever.  Noah is in a clothing store with Granny Sheila, (Brooke Shields, as the chicest looking granny by way of Manhattan's Upper East Side!!!!!!!!) and she turns her back--and boom!!!!--he is gone.  Call to Olivia, foreshadowing Noah having been kidnapped, which will be dealt with, on January 3, while the show takes a short hiatus.

                           Yes, darlings!  This was billed as the "Fall Finale," simply because the writers are too stretched to develop any new ideas.  No one fools me, dears.

                            Of course, everyone, including myself, wants to believe it was Shelia.  After all, it was not going to be a short time until this cat--cougar, maybe????--would show her claws.

                            But, maybe my husband, David, has a point.  The scenes so pointedly show Noah prefers being with personable Sheila, rather than glum Olivia.  So, maybe Noah engineered the kidnapping himself?  He is bright enough to, and if the writers had the sense to go with is arc, it would liven things up, considerably.

                             This, and Rollins sleeping with a Virginia bartender, were the only interesting points of the episode.  The rest consisted of dreary, pathetic people--a loser boxer called The Monster, played by Steve Howey, and a superficial alpha bitch social media star, named Katy, played by some nowhere actress named Gage Golightly, who is no Holly, and that her entire portrayal seemed phoned in, apped, texted, or whatever, indicates she has no future as an actress, And the culprit, Heather Preston, played by Tenea Intragio, was some Virginia loser who resented these allegedly famous people--more famous, that is, than she-- which is why a superficial social media figure would be resented as such by someone like Heather.  Miss Intragio seemed to be channeling another Heather--Matarazzo--who played the mentally challenged girl in the dramatization of the Glen Ridge, New Jersey incident.  Intragio got the best line of the evening, from the scriptwriters--
"She gets paid for taking a shower, and I have to clean my mother's poo!  It's not fair!"  Give a raise to the person who wrote that line, and let's have more of these kind of verbal wit, which enliven this doggie downer show!

                           Or, have Rachel Dratch come on here, reprising her character as "Debbie Downer," and liven things up!

                            The show needs it!  Desperately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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