Saturday, December 16, 2017

I Loved The Older Cover! But The Red One Was The Edition I Owned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vintage Board Game #16--"Careers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                    I was introduced to "Careers" by Dotty and Don's daughters, Judy and Joy, who had the earlier edition.  I was so young, I pronounced it something like "Carriers."

                                     By the time I was old enough to actually play it, I could pronounce it properly.  But, as in all these vocationally related games, like this, "Monopoly" and "Life," I always had my own agenda in each.  With "Monopoly," I HAD to own Boardwalk and Park Place!  Fights broke out over this, when I was really young!  With "Life," I HAD to land on Millionaire Acres.  At least I did so on the game board. Not so much, in reality, though many other compensations make up for it!  Like LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     "Careers" was a little different.  Some basic math was involved, because you learned how to combine different trios of numbers to add up to the number sixty.  The total was always sixty points, but it was in terms of stars (Fame), the dollar sign (Fortune), and the red heart (Happiness).

                                         Now, you on here should know me, by now. When I played this game, I always went for the most points in FAME.  Even then, not knowing what lie ahead for me, I thought it was my best chance.  Once on the board, I always maneuvered things, so I ended up in Hollywood.  Of course!  And, once there, I simply HAD to land on the square that said "Win Oscar!"  I would do anything to get there.  I was as ruthless as BARBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         "Careers" was one of the more requested games, when folks came to my house, to play.  There was something fun about it, and it did not seem as boring as "Life."

                                            For those still young, learn something I did not at that age.

                                            Life works differently than these board games.  It does not mean, however, that fun is not yet ahead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            "Careers" is still out there, darlings!   Find yours!


  1. I always wanted to play this, but not a single friend or family member or neighbor ever owned it. By the time I was old enough to buy it myself, it was forgotten and not widely available anymore.

    In your photo, it looks very much like the Monopoly board was simply re-purposed for this: clever!


  2. Well, of course, it was Parker Bros.
    It was like a combine of "Monopoly"
    and "Life." I preferred this to the
    other two. Probably because of

    If there is a version out there,
    I am sure it has been completely
    revamped and yupped up!

