Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Is The Utz Girl Simply A Glammed Up Version Of Nancy??????????????

                                   I have to wonder about this, girls, because, every time I see the Utz girl, I think of Ernie Bushmiller's Nancy.  The head shape and hair style are extremely similar, though Nancy, raised by glam careerist Aunt Fritzi, couldn't compete with someone who looked like Maureen O'Hara in "Miracle On 34th Street," and so she butched herself up, to become a burgeoning beans n' franks lesbian.  Hell, Nancy was butcher than Sluggo!

                                   I would not call the Utz girl a lipstick lesbian, because she is a product endorser, and of consumed by children, so I don't think the manufacturers would allow lesbianism to come into play here.   But I would love to know who designed her.  Bet he/she had Nancy in mind!

                                    The Utz girl is prettier than Nancy, and better coiffed too.  She may not look this good after decades of gorging on her product, but in advertising, one can get away with anything!

                                     Poor Nancy!  Having Fritzi Ritzi as an aunt, what chance did she have for glam success!

                                     Now, if Fritzi had raised a gay boy...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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