Friday, December 22, 2017

Lately, It Has Not Always Been Fair Weather Here, Dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       This post will explain why I have been off here for some time, and off my game, or games, if you will.  I will try to update, but, first, let me explain.

                        Beginning Sunday night, a pestilence swept through our house more threatening than Dracula and his wives.  I would rather deal with them--and their outfits--than the awful stomach virus I am still recovering from.

                         David got it first.  Forty eight hours later, it hit me, and let me tell you, for about 36 hours I was confined to bed.  First, I could not keep anything down.  Even fluids.  There were chills, aches, and a stomach ache, the kind I used to get as a kid.  And, yes, dears, I got my flu shot.

                           Eventually, I could keep fluids down.  That is when the leg aches kicked in.  No sleep position was comfortable, and my sleep was sporadic, to say the least.  I was so weakened though, it was like being in a sleep state, so maybe that counts.

                             My stomach still growls.  But, compared to the past two days, that is almost a norm. Of course, now things have gone south, which means I am still running to the bathroom--for a different reason.

                             When will this ever end?

                               Christmas at my sister's is cancelled, as I do not want to infect anyone, and the facility at which my father is residing is in lock down, for the virus I have.  So, no go.

                                  You know the story, "The Christmas That Almost Wasn't?"  This may
turn out to be an actuality.

                                    But, Baby Gojira says he has special things planned!

                                    And I want to watch the Yule Log!  It always mesmerized me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. So, so sorry to hear you caught such an ugly bug just in time for the holidays! I know exactly how you feel: between ages 30 and 45 I had a bizarre, infuriating tendency to catch this virus twice a year. It was exhausting, and always struck without warning at the worst possible time.

    My last, most horrific bout in 2004 was a doozy: it came on suddenly during dinner with work friends at Juniors. Thinking it would follow the usual pattern, I ran for the subway to get home before everything went south. Of course, the MTA chose that precise moment to have an incident, requiring I catch a shuttle bus to Utica Ave. Then had to wait for the train another fifteen minutes. Moments after boarding the train, just a few stations away from home, saw me projectile vomiting between cars onto the tracks, until the train reached my stop. Then the other end began just as I reached my door. Nothing worse than both ends erupting simultaneously- ugh.

    For years I thought I had a glass stomach, since invariably I'd be the only one of any group to become sickened after a meal or party. I assumed I had random food sensitivities or something, and doctors were no help. Eventually I came to the conclusion I must have been inordinately sensitive to norovirus, which is present everywhere on surfaces but generally needs to be extremely fresh and virulent to catch. My immune system probably had a years-long window of peculiar vulnerability to this specific infection: thank Christ it stopped when I hit 50. Thats one experience I could happily live without enduring ever again (although it does give one an intense appreciation for sipping ginger ale).

    Hope your entire household is completely cured in time for New Years Eve!


  2. Darling,

    Right now we should be in line for
    the bus to my sister's. Things have
    settled, I am drinking coffee, but still
    do have not have my full appetite back, and
    my stomach has now settled into its unsettled
    Metformin state, but the recent memory of having
    been so sick makes me extremely vulnerable.

    So, it will be just David, Baby Gojira, and I.
    I don't want to sicken the animals so have not
    gone near them

    We will watch the Yule Log, maybe hang stockings,
    and hope for the best!
