Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Mother: Dawn!  Come see what Santa brought you!
                                              Dawn:  Oh, Christ!  I'm coming!
                                              --"Female Trouble" (1974)

                                        Girls, I am almost as excited as Dawn, because, for the first time in the history of this blog, I am writing a genuine Christmas post, on Christmas Day.  The reason for this is we--David and I--are at home, in Brooklyn, due to illness, preventing us from making the trip.

                                           Due to the technical differences of my sister's computer, which I cannot do the things with my blog I can on here, I never posted, once we were there.  This year, most unfortunately, we are not!

                                        Last night, we watched the Yule Log, "Homicide For The Holidays," and other fun things.  I could not stomach "It's A Wonderful Life."  A beautifully made and acted film; should be seen by all once, but I have issues with it.

                                         However, I want you all to have the best Christmas you can, in your own way!!!!!!!!!!

                                          And here are two special ways to remember this day!

                                         Merry Christmas, one and all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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