Sunday, December 31, 2017

Most Enchanting Discovery Of The Year--Amy Sedaris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Amy has been around longer than I realized.  But it took her show, "At Home With Amy Sedaris," which I hope will be picked up and renewed, to capture the attention of The Raving Queen.

                        Enchanting as herself alone, Amy is equally adept with the characters she brings along--Nutmeg, Patty Hogg (my favorite), her friend, Chassie, and The Lady Who Lives In The Wood, with her lesbian friend, Esther.  Perfect name for a lesbian!!!!!!!!!!!

                          You have got to see Amy's Village tour, circa 2004.  The memories of youth it will bring back!

                             We love you, Amy, and hope to see more of you, in 2018!

                              Baby Gojira still wants to work with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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