Sunday, December 31, 2017

Personal Tragedy Of The Year--The Death Of My Childhood Friend, Douglas A. Bartha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      So much sadness and anger surrounds this event.  Sadness because we had known each other since kindergarten, and suffered those first twelve years of school together.  Many who knew us then thought us joined at the hip, but such was not the case.  Especially post high school, when our lives took radically different paths.

                                         The passing was more painful, as it took place on my father's birthday, April 30, of this year.  And he is still alive, at 102.  Thank God, I had David to get me through this!

                                           Poor Doug.  Done in by bad choices, leading to alcoholism and depression, which I am convinced was brought on by additional poor choices and familial selfishness, on the part of his mother.  It was almost as though he were abandoned.  But then, as Victor Hugo wrote in "Les Miserables," "Fortunately, God knows where to look for a soul."

                                             I hope his soul now rests in peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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