Thursday, December 14, 2017

Since I Have Been Watching The Latest Batch Of Holiday "Chia Pet" Commercials, And Seeing How The Human Heads All Resemble Afros, I Thought, Why Not Do One Of Angela Davis??????????

Really, darlings!  I was a Sixties child from the get-go, and I was with Angela all the way!  I was crying for her freedom before I knew what she was being freed from!

My parents had a fit, because they thought I was being radicalized.  And, at 16, once I told them I wanted to go to Brandeis University, and study Herbert Marcuse's theories of "change for change's sake," like Angela Davis, well, you can imagine the hell that broke lose.  I think my parents could have dealt more with me being a Catholic visionary, like Bernadette Soubirous, than a politicized radical, like Angela Davis!

Angela, of course, is still alive, still out there!  I don't know what you are doing, but I love you, Angela!!!!!!!!!!

So, when I saw the latest Chia Pet head commercials, I naturally thought, "Why not do one of Angela Davis, in her honor?"  No one looked better in an Afro, so the Chia Pet Angela would look the greatest, and it would teach children who have no idea what the history of our society is, a valuable history lesson.

Frankly, darlings, I can't think of a better Christmas gift!  Imagine--A Chia Pet Angela Davis!!!!!!!!

Right On!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. She did rock that Afro.
    The Bob Ross is fabulous too, hadn't seen it before.


  2. Victoria,

    You are so right! Besides,
    being an noted activist, Angela
    Davis truly defined the Afro style--
    whether she realized it, or not!
