Friday, December 1, 2017

Vintage Board Game #1........"SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 This was the set and edition I actually owned.  Many of these board games were derivatives of "Parcheesi," which itself was a derivative of "Backgammon."

                                  My edition of "Sorry!" used cards.  The wording on the "Sorry" card was so clumsily written, once we mastered the game, we stopped reading the cards--just moved by number, and when "Sorry!" came up instantly knew what to do.

                                   It is still on the market, and while I have no desire to re-collect the games of my youth, it would be fun to  play this again, after so many years!

                                     One of Carol Burnett's classic "Eunice" sketches, involved them playing "Sorry!"  It is hilarious!

                                        Here it is.  Note, here they use dice and a ringing bell for "Sorry!"

                                         You can learn to play, just from watching this.

                                          But would you want to???????????????????

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