Thursday, December 14, 2017

What Does This Lovely, Bullied Child Have To Do With Bitch Of The Week? The Winner Is His Own Mother, Kimberly!!!!!!!!

                            Girls, I am telling you, you have got to watch yourselves in Tennessee!!!!!!!  It is no longer the land of Altman's "Nashville."  That disappeared as soon as "Opryland" was torn down!!!!!!!!!

                             I saw, and was moved to tears, by the video of Keaton Jones, relating his bullying at school, and sharing faith in the belief that it will get better.  Keaton, I can tell you, from personal experience, it will, and it does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              There is no question that Keaton was being bullied.  But who was actually doing the bullying??????

                               Part of the answer lies in identifying this week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  It is Keaton's own mother, Kimberly!

                              Do I think Keaton was bullied at school?  Definitely!  But I think the bitch mother had a hand in it, too.  She had to have been the one to film this video.  She first intentionally photographs Keaton at his most unflattering; I have seen other photos of him, and he really is a cute kid.  Keaton's pleas are touchingly real, but, with his mother behind the camera directing/bullying him, she is only further adding to his torment.

                                Then  she has the GAUL to set up a GoFundMe account, because, as she later admitted, she "just wanted the money."

                                And then there was stuff about her, regarding racism, and the Confederate flag?

                                Hey, Tennessee, why isn't child services called into play?  Get this child away from this disgusting bitch!  Exploiting your child's social handicap for your own benefit?  You slime; you should be put in jail.  You are an unfit mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                Here is  another photo of Keaton!  See, he really is a cute kid!

                                Get him away from Mom Kimberly!  That fucking bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. From my experience, it actually doesn't get all that much better.
    A lot depends on your ability to get out from under your parents, your town, your own self-doubt
    Idk I'm just in a mood I guess.
    I'm losing it


  2. Victoria,

    Sorry you are down. I have
    been having some drama at this end,
    which I will get to eventually.

    You actually are right about removing
    oneself from town, parents, and self-
    doubt. One advantage I had was I was
    an independent thinker; and strayed from
    my family's thinking early. They are all
    Trumpers! Ech!

    Getting to NYC, and out of suburbia
    was next. I happen to be re-reading
    "The Prince Of Tides," right now, and
    Savannah's need to distance herself from
    the South in NYC, I relate to with Jersey,
    and suburbia!!!!!!!!!!!!!
