Saturday, December 30, 2017

Why Is The Winter Our Discontent???????????????

                            Two words, and two words only--the weather!!!!!!!!!  Who can stand it, when it is this cold?

                             Now, when Julie Christie is first seen, as Lara, in "Doctor Zhivago," she is veiled, only differently from here.  She happens to be on a cable car with Omar Sharif, and her face is covered in black, with only those Christie eyes peering out, letting viewers know this will be an important character.  I could not find the exact shot, but this will give the idea.

                             The only time I can appreciate Winter is in "Doctor Zhivago," where it becomes a celluloid fantasy.  The reality brings wishing I could look like Julie here, Season Affect Disorder, and a time distortion.  Winter is when Time plays its trick, seeming the longest of seasons, when really it all evens out.  Except it does not feel that way.  Look how fast Summer, in spite of days we may complain about the heat, whizzes by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Winter is grueling.  But if it takes Julie Christie to get us through, so be it!

                             Look how stunning she looked, in the snow!  We should all be so lucky, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

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