Thursday, December 7, 2017

"You Know What I Was Thinking? That Christmas In London Would Be Like Something Out Of Dickens!"

                               This, darlings, was the moment when Mary Tyler Moore said this classic line, as WASP bitch, Beth Jarrett, in "Ordinary People."  The greed and avarice, the way she clutches husband, Calvin, played by Donald Sutherland, makes her also a Holiday contender for Bitch Of The Week, and so she is chosen.  Beth, that is, not Mary.

                               Once this line was spoken, the battle lines were drawn.  The way she clutches her hand, the greedy and avariciousness she gives to the line reading, even before Calvin brings son Conrad into the picture, Beth makes clear she does not even acknowledge the child exists.  She means just going to London with her husband, with nothing but a fare the well for her youngest son, whom she hates for having survived the older, and more favored, Buck.

                               Dickens was about the poor, girls, and Beth Jarrett in London would have been his worst nightmare.  And the over aged, preppy way she is dressed.  She belongs in some enclave, like a ski lodge in Aspen, where people like she do nothing but sit around all day, talking about money and sports.

                                Beth Jarrett, along with being this week's Bitch Of The Week, is the Superficiality Queen of her day.  Time has moved on, but these types are still out there.

                                 Most inhabit those havens of hatred, known as country clubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Those types ARE out there; always have been, always will be.
    My daughter in law is shaping up to be one. Scary.


  2. Victoria,
    That really IS scary.
    Good luck, in dealing
    with your daughter-in-law!

  3. Thanks. I would not allow such a person to remain in my life, if not for my dear son and grandsons.
    What to do.


  4. Victoria,

    I get it. I have a cousin whom
    my father adores because she pours
    it on SO thick she's like Goneril in
    "King Lear." I just have to sit there,
    and bite my tongue!
