Monday, January 8, 2018

Believe It Or Not, There Are People Out There Who Still Look Like This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             And, as ironic as it may sound, they usually come under two professional classifications--librarians, and school teachers.

                             Spinsterhood is something that never goes out of style, but the same also can be said for the spinster, herself.  Plain, desiccated, hair pinned back in a bun, glasses, and a body posture suggesting repressing, these creatures still walk among us.  On these cold Winter nights, there biggest thrill is putting out the light on the night table, before going to sleep.

                               You don't believe me?  Take a walk among humanity, and see for yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hey! I am kind of plain, and I wear glasses now. And I slouch lol
    I do have a husband though. And children. And grandchildren.

    But seriously, you were two months premature??
    Miracle baby!!
    What was your birth weight??
    What was your mother's actual due date!


  2. Actually, Victoria, I hadn't
    you in mind at all when I wrote
    the post. I picture you as a
    redheaeded latter day version
    of Gloria Grahame.

    As to the preemie story--
    My birth weight was 4 Lbs. Exactly.
    I do not know my mother's actual due
    date, except it was in mid January.

    When my mother began exhibiting symptoms,
    she at first thought it was menopause. Then
    she thought a fibroid tumor. When she went
    to the doctor, she found out differently.
    By the time I was born, she had turned 40!
