Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Can You Believe We Are Already One Twelfth Through 2018???????????????????????

                                   I always feel a little hopeful when saying goodbye to this first month, every year.  By now, my anxiety about getting my W2 has cleared up, and, with February being such a short, if dismal month, I know we are slowly heading into March, which is really when I begin to settle into the new year, as my SAD (Seasonal Affect Disorder) begins to clear up.

                                    But it was an interesting month--some nice gatherings with friends, seeing some Oscar contending films, and, of course, starting a new year of reading, as I set out to break the record I set last year, with 116 books read.

                                     Tomorrow, it will be February, the most romantic of months, what with Blythe Danner's birthday, and Valentine's Day, just within days of each other!

                                      See you, then, girls!  And congrats to all, on making it through January!!!!!!

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