Sunday, January 28, 2018

Even More Dangerous Than The Black Widow Spider, Is The Career Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Girls, I am telling you, if you work, you have met one.

                                 It has been awhile since an ID program riled me up so, but when I saw the "Your Worst Nightmare" episode about the 2012 murder, in Macon, GA, of 58-year-old Gail Spencer, and how Tracy Jones masterminded the whole thing, I knew I was seeing the ultimate in career bitchery.

                                  Most of these bitches, nasty as they may be,  are simply out for a better opportunity, a la Eve Harrington, or to eliminate employees who don't like them, and so they feel threatened by.  But Tracy did more than that.  She resorted to murder.

                                   Gail was the office manager in a busy Macon law firm.  Her employer, who seemed a bit shady himself, though had nothing to do with her death, hired an assistant to help with Gail's duties, which she herself said were getting a bit overwhelming.

                                    Tracy made a great impression as Miss Careerist, eager to take on the work.  But she started out in a strange way.  She began showing up late, turning in sloppy, incomplete assignments, and displayed such incompetence, Gail was going to speak to her boss about firing her. Only she caught Tracy playing up to him.  Were they having an affair?  Not yet,  but I think Tracy was going for it!

                                   It was all part of this bitch's insidious plan.  Because, suddenly, Tracy does an about face, becoming a model employee, very solicitous of Gail, taking over assignments maybe Gail wanted to do, claiming she had all this law experience, and only wanted to help Gail.


                                     One day, Tracy pops in to Gail's office, chatting her up, apologizing for her earlier bad behavior, saying now she wants to improve, thanks Gail for helping her, and can she take Gail out to lunch.  Gail, thinking Tracy will finally fit in, accepts, and the two girls drink and bond over their interests in decorating, and Christmas, even though that season was far away.  So, when Tracy asks Gail for her home address, so she could add Gail to her Christmas card list, I knew right then that something was up.

                                       You see, Tracy's career spinster act and look was just playing a part. In reality, she was one of those girls drawn to bad boys, and none was worse than her 18-year-old stud muffin Michael Brett Kelly.  What starts as a joke--getting rid of Gail, switching about $800K over to their accounts, so they, along with friend Keith Anthony Dozier, and Brett's half sister, Courtney Kelly--real blond tramp trash, darlings-- evolves into reality, as this dastardly group begin putting the plan into action, with bitch Tracy as the mastermind.

                                         One morning, before work, Gail hears a knock at her door.  It is Tracy, friendly acting, with a story about her car breaking down, she knew Gail lived nearby, and so could she use Gail's phone to call her boyfriend?  What, you don't have a cell phone, darling?  Anyway, Gail, who, at this point, feels she has nothing to  fear, lets Tracy in, goes back to getting dressed, while Tracy stalls in the kitchen, so Kelly and Dozier can sneak into the house, and hide.

                                          Tracy casually leaves the house, and goes to work, saying "See ya there!" to Gail.  While Gail is in the kitchen, Kelly and Dozier are seen sneaking through the house, like the witches in "Rosemary's Baby," until they ambush her, dressed in black and masks.

                                          They take her up to the bedroom, and she is terrified.  They finally tell her what they want--the code number for getting into the accounts at work, so they can transfer funds to their accounts.  Feeling her life will be spared, Gail gives the info up.  Keith, really just the look out, takes pity on Gail, whereupon he is directed to go downstairs where, this monster, Kelly, rapes Gail on her bed!  Eighteen years old, and raping a 58-year-old Granny!  Sick!  Bet he gets an erection in super-markets, when he sees Depends boxes!!!!!!!!!!!!  Keith comes back, freaks out at what Kelly has done.  Meanwhile, on the outside, Tracy and sister Courtney Kelly are working to embezzle and transfer the funds.  Keith is disgusted that Kelly has raped Gail, saying this was not part of the plan. But there is worse to come.  Because, Kelly has received a text from Tracy, saying she is afraid Gail will say something, so they need to get rid of her.  Kelly sends Keith out of the room, and then kills Gail, fighting and screaming to the last in a scene that has not upset me so much in quite a while.

                                         I wanted that bitch Tracy strung up like a witch.  Well, she, Kelly, and Dozier get Life Without Parole.  Sister Courtney gets life with a chance of parole.  I think that sentence should have gone to Dozier, because, even though he was at the house, he exhibited some remorse about what was going on, took pity on Gail, and tried to calm her.  The others did nothing, or cared, including tramp Courtney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Poor Gail!  All  because of some bad girl career bitch!  Well, I hope Tracy is tortured in prison, but good!  I hope her hair and eye brows are plucked out, and she is put in a cell with hay, like Colleen Dewhurst, as Avenging Angel, in "The Nun's Story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                           Tracy Jones was no angel.  She was also the deadliest of career bitches!!!!!!!

                                             So, darlings, if you think you've got it bad, be thankful you do not work with a Tracy Jones.

                                              However, if your workplace nemesis suddenly changes her tune, be afraid!  Be VERY afraid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. You referred to Gail's career spinster act being just an act, and to her 18 -yr. old stud muffin. Surely you meant to write Tracy.


  2. Thank you so much! I fixed it!
    You are right! I meant Tracy!


  3. JillO,
    Point taken. I have heaard this before.
    But, talk about run on sentences, try
    reading the book I am currently reading,
    "Ducks, Newburryport," by Lucy Ellmann. It
    is one 1,040 page, no indentation, run-
    on sentence. I kid you not!

  4. Yes!!! I'm all over the Internet looking to find out more about this it's so crazy! I just literally watched 6 hours of interrogations of these ignorant criminals. Ridiculous to think that anyone could be so damn callous and as far as I'm concerned she's the worst one of them all. Period

  5. Mamabear76,

    Oh, yes, Tracy was the worst. But the others
    were equally bad. How dumb could they all be?
    I guess no one checked--really--into Tracy's
    background. Maybe then she would not have been hired.

    However, had she not, unfortunately, this would have
    happened somewhere else.

  6. When I was a young er ( and more handsome) man I did A LOT of drugs , as a result I did LIFE in small installments - a year here , five there - all over the u.s. , so I've known a lot of people like these idiots . This plan had no chance of working, how was Tracy gonna explain popping up at Gail's or the texts that she deleted but one search warrant to the cell carrier would've revealed ? In Georgia prison ain't too fun but there's many ppl in there for similar crimes but I guarantee you that there's not a day that goes by that these idiots don't wish that they had gotten the death penalty, lots of HOT CRANKY murderers sad all the way around , I hope that they all four get what they deserve ! Tc

  7. King,
    Sounds like you are turning yourself around. Good for you.
    I am sure prison is no fun no matter where. As for GA, well
    the heat Miss Taylor Greene are enough to stop me from moving there.
    And you are right, everyone thinks they have the perfect plan and
    solution. Sometimes it takes decades, but eventually they are caught.
    Thank you for sharing. Feel free to drop on here anytime.
