Saturday, January 6, 2018

"Here, Sheila. Here's A Knife. Take It. Stab Me With It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                        The 'SVU' episode, "Gone, Baby Gone," a reworked title of a much better film, finally had what we all knew was going to happen.  Brooke Shields, as granny Sheila Porter, finally showed her claws!  It should have been a lot more fun than it was, but I am telling you, hons, Brooke livened up this show in ways I have not seen in ages.

                        Now, the paraphrased headline comes from a fight I once overheard between my parents.  I had been up in my room, it was after dinner, I was in second grade, so who knows what I was doing.  Suddenly, I heard voices rising from below, and knew my parents were arguing.  As a young child, I found this enormously entertaining.  They got so theatrical.  And you wonder where I get it?

                        Before adolescence, when most of the arguments were about me, as I engineered them, they would argue over the silliest things.  I listened from the top of the stairs in our house, when I could hear my father, and picture him, walking across the dinner table to my mother.  He must have been holding a knife, because he then delivered one of his all-time great lines, "Here, Mildred. Here's a knife.   Take it.  Stab me with it."  I bet my mother could not keep a straight face during this scene, as she shrugged him away.  I, however could not contain my excitement.  I must have been having some issues with my father at the time, because, a bit too loudly, I yelled out, "Yeah!  Stab him!  Stab him!"

                        My parents found out, and that was the end of  my eavesdropping!

                       The 'SVU' episode had this kind of potential. Brooke really played it close to the vest, before her revealing her sociopathy.  When it was unfurled, in that mountain cabin, and Olivia approached her, that line from my parents popped into my head.  I thought Brooke was going to morph into Betsy Palmer, as Mrs. Voorhees!  What a bitch fest that would have been!

                        Poor Olivia, the Medea here, did not look a bit lethal.  And the whole ruse of getting Noah safely out of the cabin was handled without any drama or tension.  I got the impression Noah wanted what the viewer did--he wanted to stay and watch the women bitch slap each other.

                         Sheila went much too quietly. And Brooke is off the program much too soon!

                          If only someone had fired a shot, or stabbed someone!

                          Now, it is back to the Glum Olivia show.  Ho hum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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