Monday, January 15, 2018

I Am With Jodi All The Way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Call me crazy.  People have, and will, over much more than this.  But I am not so sure about Jodi Arias killing Travis Alexander.  I am sorry for his family, but, face it, Jodi or not, he was a hypocritical sex pig who wanted bits on the side, and so came to a bad end which I am not altogether ready to not admit he did not deserve. He violated core tenets of his religion, Mormonism!!!!!  Remember, I was with Rosie on the miniseries, "The Slap!"

                                         I learned two things about Jodi Arias. from the ID program last night.

                                         One, that there is a possibility her detractors may be right.

                                          Two, that, if they are, she is the most brilliant sociopath on the planet.

                                           I will say this. Throughout all the footage I have seen of Jodi, her composure is remarkable.  She speaks with refinement, and delicacy, demonstrating she is no dumb piece of trash, but a very intelligent woman.  Jodi knows how to work a room, no doubt about it.

                                           I wish I knew her secret.  But the dark haired look was a smart one, Jodi.

                                           Whatever hair color, Jodi, even by gay men's standards, is a striking, attractive woman.  She was too good for trashy Travis, but the thing is, with her looks and personality, Jodi could have had anyone she wanted!  She didn't need Travis!  She did not need to kill him!  Jodi, girls, could have taken her pick!  And still can, as she still looks stunning!

                                             Mark my words.  In the future, Jodi is going to be vindicated!  She will get her own television show!  She will be on Colbert!

                                               And I will be having the last laugh on everyone!

                                               By the way, Baby Gojira supports Jodi, too!

                                               We want to have coffee, or tea, with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I agree with you there is Something about her...

    Trying to get caught up on my blog reading; I've been sick.
    My main source of entertainment has been the delusional fevers.
    I am not kidding, by the third day I didn't care if I lived or died.
    Being around so many sick preschoolers along with the stress of the daughter in law ordeal took its toll, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
    The headaches, the heartaches, the backaches, the flops
    The audience that lifts you when you're down...

    I Will survive this with Faith, Hope, Love, and Forgiveness

    ....Let's go on with the show!!!


  2. Victoria--

    So sorry to hear you have
    been ill. Is it the GI thing
    David and I had, or the respiratory
    flu? Did you get a flu shot?

    Hope you recover quickly. Sickness
    is not fun, especially as one gets

    Yes there is something about Jodi.
    Watch out for my next post on her.
