Monday, January 22, 2018

If Only I Could Read One Charles Dickens Novel, In Serialized Form!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I was in London, twelve years ago, this month, and when I saw the locked cabinets of Dickens' novels, in serialized, magazine form, I wanted to get in there, and go through and read each and every one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             At this point, I would have to pick.  By now, I have just about read all the novels, and while "David Copperfield" and "Great Expectations" will always be my favorites, I suppose the one I should read serialized is the only one I have not yet read--"A Tale Of Two Cities."

                                Remember when it was called "Sale Of Two Titties" in "Up The Down Staircase?"  In this deplorable age of "Fifty Shades Of Grey, I am genuinely surprised no hack has run with this title.  After all, zombies have been added to Jane Austen, and "Jane Eyre" has been turned into a slasher thriller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Is nothing sacred?  Why should such artistic desecration be tolerated??????????

                                 Why not go back, and be allowed to read Dickens, in his purest form?????????

                                  And then, meet at Brown's for tea, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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