Friday, January 12, 2018

Just Because One's Mother Is A White Trash Tramp, Does Not A Serial Killer Make!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             As a fictitious example, I offer Detective Lily Rush (Kathryn Morris) on "Cold Case."  Her mother, Ellen, brilliantly played by Meredith Baxter Birney, was an alcoholic, a tramp, and specialized in child neglect.  Yet, Lily took the high road, and became a cop!

                             Robert T. Long, also known as Bobby Joe, hated his mother.  It did not help he grew up in the rougher sections of Florida, which seems to be a mecca point for transients and all sorts of killers, serial and otherwise.  What's up with that?

                               He married his high school sweetheart, Cindy Brown, in 1974. Smartly, she divorced him in 1980.  Now, girls, as we all know, anyone who marries as their only goal has trouble ahead, especially if that is all they think they can do with their lives.

                                 While Cindy was married to this guy, and raising their two daughters, her hubby would disappear intermittently for long periods of time, never offering any explanation.  Eventually she, and everyone else, came to realize her husband was "The Classified Ad Rapist," who victimized women, in and around the Fort Lauderdale area.

                                     But wait, it gets worse. When the couple moved to Tampa, a series of serial murders against women began!  That's right; it was Bobby Jo!  Now, he is rotting for Life, in prison!

                                     He claims he hated his mother, so, in a sense, all the women he was raping and killing represented her.  They led a White Trash existence; she was a bar tender, and a tramp.  He supposedly slept in her bed till the age of 15, so what was that all about, hmmmmmmmmmm?  Then he would be kicked out of bed, and exiled to the couch when this slut bought guys over.

                                      Didn't anyone think of calling Child Services?  Is this harridan still alive?

                                       Bobby Joe suffered head trauma as a child--which could have been a contributing factor-- and he grew actual breasts when he reached puberty.  That must have gone over real well, in junior high!

                                        The point is, don't blame it all on Mama!  She may have been no good, but other kids have been through worse, and don't emerge as serial killers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Look at Gypsy Rose Lee!  She became the stripper of her day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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