Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Not Portnoy, But Jeffrey Eugenides!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Thank God, darlings, because "Portnoy's Complaint--" to this day--remains one, big, elongated masturbatory wail.  Ho hum.

                                               The concept behind these 10 stories by Eugenides is that everyone in them has something to complain about.  I mean, who doesn't?

                                                One story, "The Oracular Vulva"--catchy title, huh?--explores some of the issues surrounding genes and gender identity that comprised his massive masterwork, "Middlesex."   Another explores a friendship between two lonely women who isolate themselves, caring for each other, like the American Indians in their favorite book.  And the title story reminded me of David Mamet's "Oleanna-- what was this professor guilty of, anyway?  And was he actually guilty?  In "Oleanna," the student deserved the belt in the mouth she got at the end.  Here, I was not sure who deserved what.

                                                These were the best of the ten stories, but all were immensely readable, thanks to Eugenides' writing skills, which I have followed over the years. And will continue to.

                                                  But while he seems able to move freely between the short story and novel forms, I prefer when he paints on the larger canvass.  Maybe that's just me, because it is what I am most accustomed to.

                                                   It does not mean that you should miss out on Eugenides story collection.

                                                    It just means to be thankful it is not another Roth rant!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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