Monday, January 22, 2018

We Have A New Reader, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I see my follower indicator is at 66, which means a new reader has found their way here.  As The Raving Queen, I welcome you, reader, but must confess you arrive at an unusual time.

                                 I feel like I am in the middle of a writing block.  They happen intermittently.  Yesterday, I was so desperate, I considered pulling my copy of "Franny And Zooey" off the bookshelf, and reading it.  But what good would that do anybody?  And why would I want to read Salinger now?

                                  I know topics come--they always do--and I have some for today, but, not having any recent theatrical or film experiences has cramped my style.  And, in the dead of Winter, all my animal friends are still inside.

                                   But, stick around, because one never knows what will pop up on here.  Not even I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    So, welcome, new reader, to this blog.  Goes great with coffee, darling!

                                    And, now here is the unofficial theme song!

                                   Feel free to drop in anytime, and comment.  All are answered!


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